What is Aura?
According to the theory of Fritz-Albert Popp, the German biophysics researcher, the human body is constituted by light with a constant emission of biophotons all around which can be captured as a coloured shade in the pictures taken with special optical equipment like the Kirlian Camera. This halo round the body is called the aura.
How does Aura influence your life?
There is a constant vibration in the energy zone around the human body. Change in the frequency of these vibrations has a direct impact on the cellular functions indicated by diseases or disorders in the body, negative thoughts, failures, conflicts, fatigue and fears. Read more
The Divinely, All powerful, miraculous protector for You & Your Family
When thousands of people died in the union carbide gas leak disaster in the year 1984, five families living near Bhopal Railway station, survived in the above disaster only because they had been performing Agnihoma regularly for several generations now. Read more
Auramax is a scientifically proven product that constantly produces positive energy around its place and results in positivity and good vibrance.
According to the theory of Fritz-Albert Popp, the German biophysics researcher, the human body is constituted by light with a constant emission of biophotons
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